


A standard eye exam is a series of tests done to check your vision and the health of your eyes.


Standard ophthalmic exam; Routine eye examination; Eye exam - standard; Annual eye exam


First, you will be asked if you are having any eye or vision problems. You will be asked to describe these problems, 你有多长时间了, and any factors that have made them better or worse.

Your history of glasses or contact lenses will also be reviewed. The eye doctor will then ask about your overall health, including any medicines you take and your family's medical history.


  • You will be asked to read random letters that become smaller line by line as your eyes move down the chart. Some Snellen charts are actually video monitors showing letters or images.
  • 看看你是否需要戴眼镜, the doctor will place several lenses in front of your eye, 一次一个, and ask you when the letters on the Snellen chart become easier to see. 这叫做 折射.


  • See if you have proper three-dimensional (3D) vision (stereopsis).
  • 检查侧视(周边)视力.
  • Check the eye muscles by asking you to look in different directions at a penlight or other small object.
  • Examine the pupils with a penlight to see if they respond (constrict) properly to light.
  • Often, you'll be given eye drops to open up (dilate) your pupils. This allows the doctor to use a device called an ophthalmoscope to view the structures at the back of the eye. 这个区域叫做眼底. 它包括 视网膜 以及附近的血管和视神经.

另一种放大装置,叫做a 裂隙灯,用于:

  • See the front parts of the eye (eyelids, cornea, conjunctiva, sclera, and iris)
  • 检查眼压是否升高(青光眼),使用一个名为 张力测定法

色盲 使用带有 组成数字的彩色圆点.


Make an appointment with an eye doctor (some take walk-in patients). 考试当天避免眼睛疲劳. If you wear glasses or contacts, bring them with you. You may need someone to drive you home if the doctor uses eye drops to dilate your pupils.




All children should have vision screening in a pediatrician's or family practitioner's office around the time when they learn the alphabet, 然后每隔1到2年. Screening should begin sooner if any eye problems are suspected.

According to the American Academy of 眼科学, the following schedule should be used:


  • A complete eye exam should be done every 5 to 10 years
  • Adults who wear contact lenses need yearly eye exams
  • Certain eye symptoms or disorders may require more frequent exams

Adults over age 40 who have no risk factors or ongoing eye conditions should be screened:

  • Every 2 to 4 years for adults ages 40 to 54
  • Every 1 to 3 years for adults ages 55 to 64
  • Every 1 to 2 years for adults age 65 and older

Depending on your risk factors for eye diseases and your current symptoms or illnesses, your eye doctor may recommend that you have exams more often.

Some of the eye and medical problems that can be found by a routine eye test include:

  • 白内障 (眼睛晶状体混浊)
  • 糖尿病
  • 青光眼
  • 高血压
  • 老年性黄斑变性 (老年性视网膜黄斑性病变),(失去锐利的中央视力)


Results of a routine eye exam are normal when the eye doctor finds you have:

  • 20/20(6/6)视力正常
  • 辨别不同颜色的能力
  • 全视野
  • 适当的眼肌协调
  • 正常眼压
  • Normal eye structures (cornea, iris, lens)


Abnormal results may be due to any of the following:

  • 老年性视网膜黄斑性病变
  • 散光 (角膜异常弯曲)
  • 堵塞的泪管
  • 白内障
  • 色盲
  • 角膜营养不良
  • 角膜溃疡,感染, or 受伤
  • Damaged nerves or blood vessels in the eye
  • 糖尿病性视网膜病变 (糖尿病-related damage to the back of the eye)
  • 远视 (远视)
  • 青光眼
  • 眼睛损伤
  • 弱视(弱视)
  • 近视 (近视)
  • 老花眼 (inability to focus on near objects that develops with age)
  • 斜视 (交叉眼)
  • 视网膜撕裂或 超然

This list may not include all possible causes of abnormal results.


If you receive drops to dilate your eyes for the ophthalmoscopy, your vision will be blurred.

  • Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from sunlight, which can damage your eyes more when they are dilated.
  • 有人开车送你回家吗.
  • The drops usually wear off in several hours.

In rare cases, the dilating eyedrops cause:

  • 窄角型青光眼发作
  • 头晕
  • 口干
  • 冲洗
  • 恶心和呕吐


Ball JW, Dains JE, Flynn JA, Solomon BS, Stewart RW. 眼睛. In: Ball JW, Dains JE, Flynn JA, Solomon BS, Stewart RW, eds. 赛德尔体格检查指南. 10日艾德. St Louis, MO: Elsevier; 2023:chap 12.

查克RS, 邓恩SP, Flaxel CJ; American Academy of 眼科学 Preferred Practice Pattern Committee, 等. Comprehensive adult medical eye evaluation preferred practice pattern. 眼科学. 2021;128(1):1-29. www.aaojournal.org/article/s0161 - 6420(20) 31026 - 5 /全文. 2020年11月12日发布. 于2023年4月5日发布.

Olitsky SE, Marsh JD. 眼睛检查. 在:Kliegman RM, St. Geme JW, Blum NJ, Shah SS, Tasker RC, Wilson KM, eds. 纳尔逊儿科学教材. 21艾德. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2020:chap 637.

Prokopich CL, Hrynchak P, Flanagan JG, Hynes AF, Chisholm C. 眼部健康评估. In: Elliott DB, ed. 初级眼保健的临床程序. 5日艾德. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2021:chap 7.

审核日期: 02/12/2023

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A开发的信息.D.A.M.公司. regarding tests and test results may not directly correspond with information provided by 加州大学旧金山分校健康. Please discuss with your doctor any questions or concerns you may have.
