
肩膀 不稳定


A common shoulder problem is 不稳定, affecting athletes as well as the general population. 肩膀是一个非常灵活的球窝关节, 还有那些曾经脱臼过的人, it can become unstable and prone to repeated full or partial dislocations. Other people develop this problem because they have unusually loose joints. Many patients respond well to physical therapy programs focused on strengthening and stabilizing the area, 但还有许多人需要手术来稳定关节.


UCSF is committed to helping patients with shoulder 不稳定 recover function and return to favorite activities. We have nationally recognized experts in managing this condition. 我们的团队包括整形外科十大赌博平台排行榜, 初级保健运动医学十大赌博平台排行榜, 物理治疗师和运动教练, all of whom work together to tailor a treatment plan to each patient's needs and goals.

Treatment for shoulder 不稳定 depends on the injury's cause and severity. We usually begin with a period of rest and use of anti-inflammatory medications, 然后是物理治疗.

Surgical repair is often necessary for younger patients who've experienced a dislocated shoulder from a traumatic injury and for patients who've had repeated dislocations. The primary surgical treatment is a minimally invasive procedure to reattach the problematic soft tissues. 然而, patients with significant bone loss and a high degree of joint 不稳定 may need a bone-restoring procedure (most commonly, Latarjet程序). 这是一个开放的(传统的)手术.

奖 & 识别

迹象 & 症状


  • 关节松弛感觉或关节过度运动
  • Muscle weakness in the area, particularly when trying to lift the arm


当怀疑肩部不稳时, 十大赌博平台排行榜了解病人的病史, 进行身体检查并安排x光检查. An MRI or CT scan may also be needed to determine the injury's severity and for planning any necessary surgical procedure.


在大多数情况下, doctors prescribe physical therapy to stretch and strengthen the muscles around the shoulder joint. Such a program can be done at UCSF or at a facility closer to home.

Research has not shown that injections – such as with cortisone, platelet rich plasma or stem cells – improve shoulder 不稳定.


A majority of shoulder stabilization surgeries are done arthroscopically at the UCSF Orthopaedic Institute. (关节镜是用于关节的内窥镜.) This is a minimally invasive surgery that takes about 60 to 90 minutes. 病人 are under general anesthesia (completely asleep) and receive a nerve block (an injection to stop pain signals in a specific part of the body), 哪种能减轻术后疼痛. 在这个过程中, the surgeon makes several small incisions and uses small instruments to place "bone anchors" in the shoulder bone, 哪些是用来重新连接软组织的. 锚是由金属或塑料制成的, with sutures to hold the soft tissues in place while the area heals.

In some cases, a more invasive surgery is needed to restore bone lost due to repeated dislocations. UCSF surgeons are experienced in performing the complex procedures known as Latarjet reconstructions. 他们需要一个开放的切口, the traditional kind made with a scalpel – and recovery time is longer than with arthroscopic surgery.


肩部不稳定手术后的恢复需要时间. 病人 typically wear a sling for about six weeks to allow the tissues to heal. 在此期间, they can't drive and their physical therapy is limited to passive range-of-motion exercises, which keep the shoulder from getting stiff while protecting the repair. Most people who sit at their jobs can go back to work between one and two weeks after surgery, but people with strenuous jobs may need to complete three to four months of physical therapy before they can safely return.

手术后六周, the sling is removed and physical therapy can begin to focus on active range-of-motion exercises, 不使用重量. Jogging and other lower body exercises can be initiated as well. 病人 usually start to work on strengthening at week 12 and complete the program in the fourth month post-op. They're allowed a full return to activities between five and six months, 6个月后,修复被认为完全愈合.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.

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    This eight-week class teaches mindfulness practices that can reduce stress and improve your overall health, 比如冥想和身体意识.



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    Chaplains representing many faiths are available around the clock to provide support, 给病人安慰和忠告, 家庭和照顾者.
